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Client Notes Overview
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

Client Notes

  1. From the cloud software website, click the Clients Icon.

  2. Select a client from the list to modify.

  3. Click the Notes tab at the top right.

  4. You can enter and save a new note or view/edit/delete older notes down below.

  5. If you wish to have the note pop up when creating an appointment, check the box Show note as Pop-up

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​View Notes from an Appointment

  1. Open an existing appointment for the client and click on Appt Details.

  2. Click Notes under the client's email line to view or enter client notes.

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    ​ Pop-up Notes
    1. If you have selected to have a note pop-up, it will do so when entering the client's information to an appointment from the appointment book.

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