Submitting a Feature Request
This article shows the step-by-step process of submitting a feature request from within the software
Click, or hover over the question mark to open the Resource Center.
Click on Share Your Feedback.
You can click Make a Suggestion to leave a quick request.
The Portal view will give you a full-page version view of the form, allow you review your past submissions, or view what other users have requested. Click on Open in Portal to navigate to that page.
Whether submitting a request in-app or on the full page, be sure to fill out all the fields starting with "What Feature, or feature enhancement would you like to see implemented?"
Next fill out "What are you trying to achieve?"
If there is a workaround that you have been using to solve this problem, you can let us know in the next field.
Upload any images that would be helpful for our team to understand the full scope of your request.
If applicable, select a Product Area that this request corresponds to.
When finished, click on Submit Request.
*One thing to note is that your request will not be shown publicly until our team has reviewed and accepted the request.
Viewing Past Requests / Other User Requests
Click on Dashboard to view the requests that have already been submitted. My Priorities will show a list of requests that you have already submitted, or that you have voted on that someone else submitted.
Suggested by Others will show submissions that other facilities have suggested.
You can click on Search in the top right corner to see if someone has already submitted an idea that you have.
You can filter by specific product areas in the top left corner if you'd like to see what has already been submitted broken out by specific areas within the product.
Clicking on the Thumbs Up icon will count as a vote to show our team that you are also interested in that request. This will also allow us to notify you as the status changes for that request.
Clicking on the Snooze Button will signify you are not interested in that request and will cause the request to fall off your list of Suggested by Others.
You can click on a request to see more details and add comments with more details about why this request is important to your company and how high of a priority it is for you.
Updating Your Preferences