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How-To do a Partial Refund
How-To do a Partial Refund
Angel Horowitz avatar
Written by Angel Horowitz
Updated over a week ago

How to do a Partial Refund

  1. Click the Checkout icon at the top of your software.

  2. Select New Transaction in the top left corner.

  3. Search for a client and click their name.

  4. Click Refund an Item, located under the Search a Service/Product/Package Bar.

  5. Search for the service/product being refunded.

  6. Click Add to Order.

    • The refund amount will automatically be set to the full amount or last amount paid by that client. You can change the price of the returned item in the Regular Price field from the default price to provide the partial refund.

  7. Click Proceed to Payments.

  8. Select return tender type (credit/cash/gift card/custom).

  9. After selecting the tender and confirming the amount is correct, you can click Close Ticket.

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